Fixit maskin & verktyg AB was founded in 1984 and employees 11 persons today. Björn Ericson is the founder and owner and Tomas Eriksson is responsible for the production.
Fixit Transmission is the part of Fixit TMV, and is specialised for demanding motorsports and likewise. Our gears, driveshafts and other products are Hi-tech produced and adapted to demanding and extreme conditions.
Tandsbyns Mekaniska Verkstad AB (TMV) are in the same premises as Fixit maskin & verktyg AB.
TMV is a subsidiary of Fixit and was founded in 2011 when Husqvarna AB moved its headquarters from Tandsbyn to Huskvarna (Sweden).
TMV took over some part of the assembly and production from Husqvarna AB.
Ferruminator AB are also in the same premises as Fixit.
Ferruminator offers comprehensive solutions in Lego welding, electron beam welding and detailed processing.
The electron beam method has unique properties. For example, use a weld in 12 mm steel made 1.5 mm wide, which is extremely narrow in relation to arc welding. Electron beam welding can also reach large weld depth and it is possible to assemble the finished parts. The welding process takes place under vacuum and can be controlled very effectively so that welding can be done in dimensions from thin foil to about 8 mm material thickness. The high energy density of the electron beam gives very low heat energy in the material and thus low heat deformations. This method is commonly used in nuclear and aerospace industries.
Ferruminator have taken advantage of these unique characteristics and with great expertise in the area, we offer subcontract welding, electron beam method if necessary. In collaboration with Fixit we can also offer finished parts.